Monday, December 17, 2012

Tutu Bow

I am doing a very simple tutu bow today, but you can add any extra frilly feathers or anything else you think will look amazing. I plan on making one later on with a very pretty feather embellishment on top :)

You will need:
  •  Needle and Thread
  •  Tool either off the roll or you can purchase it by the yard and cut your own strips. They do not have to be perfect, just cut the width and length you want your bow to be. 
  •  Ribbon cut the same length as your tool
  • A Clip 

Place your tool and ribbon in the order you would like and then stitch through the middle of your bow.

Now wrap the thread around the center of the bow a few times before tying it in the back.

Tie a knot in the middle of an extra section of ribbon (be sure its long enough to tie around your bow).

Now take that piece and place your knot in the front of the bow and tie in the back.

Wrap one end of that ribbon around your clip and glue. Trim the excess off and repeat with the other end of the ribbon.

It should look like this when your finished.

Turn over and you have your finished tutu bow! How cute will this look in the hair of any little girl?

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