Monday, December 17, 2012

Curly Ribbon

You will need:
·         Ribbon
·         Skewers or any type of “rod”
·         Something to secure the ribbon (I am using yarn because I do not have any clothes pins, but they would work best J)
·         Spray starch
·         Foil
  •          Clear nail polish


First you will need to secure one end of the ribbon to your skewer as shown above.

Now wrap your ribbon around the skewer at an angle and secure the end.

Preheat your oven to 250 degrees (F)

Now place all of your skewered ribbon on a piece of foil and spray with the starch. Be sure all of the ribbon is evenly coated. This will not only help hold the curl, but will also be helpful when your little one tries to chew her bows. 

Next remove your ribbon from the skewers and begin cutting any straight ends off. You will finish by coating all of the ends with the clear nail polish.

Once dry you are ready to make some amazingly cute bows J

I found some of these instructions on

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